The other day we went to Turtle Cove and it's a beautiful tucked away little beach, I fell in love with it right away. We only had less than half an hour of sun there, but that didn't matter, it was so peaceful and serene.. it almost felt like we were in a different place. While others decided to lie on the sand and chat or go for a swim, I was captivated by the wonderful collection of shells washed up on the shore. I spent the next hour or so crouched down, sifting through and searching for beauty created by nature.
Here's a sample of the treasure I found

I love how they have been smoothed and shaped by the tides rolling over them and the details and curves are beautiful. Nature is full of colour; the hues and shades of flowers, leaves, plants etc. are great material for design. I'll soon be working on a range of cards that is naturally inspired :)
Below is a picture of my potpourri that makes my room smell like a garden!
Really like this 'inspired by nature' direction, really suits MM. I want to see pictures, I also want a room that smells like a garden:)
I have the potpouri one as my background.. I love it!
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