Thursday, 5 February 2009

And so the story begins

I had barely started this all when the other day I found out that an ex-colleague is also doing greeting cards! How random is that? But as it's said, a little competition is a good thing and it's made me even more adamant to do a good job of this.

So you might be asking how the name Mulberry Moment came about..

China is well known for their Four Great Inventions these being gunpowder, printing, the compass and the creation of paper by Cai Lun in 105AD. Cai Lun combined strong fibrous bark from mulberry trees with hemp waste, fishnets, old rags and plant fibers to make sheets of paper. Paper mulberry bark fibers are still used to this day, and are treated and mixed with other ingredients to enhance the paper quality.

As with many people, whenever I think of the people that mean so much to me, I always want to do something to let them know I care - but I never do. I get distracted, busy doing stuff.. there are always excuses. But I realise how important moments like these are, when we decide to put ourselves, our situations aside for just a little bit to let someone know that they are loved and valued. These moments, if acted upon, can have an amazing effect on people's days, and even lives. Seriously!

So I thought I'd better start putting this into practice and sent a dear friend a card to her work address. She texted me today saying she had received it and that she was having a hard day at work and the card made such a difference. That is exactly what Mulberry Moment is all about!

1 comment:

Abigail... said...

I love the final decision on the name! As you know, I'm always a sucker for alliteration, so its PERFECT! Yay!