Friday 28 January 2011

get your hike on!

checking the observatory for the weather is always a good start to get you ready for a race - hko has kindly encouraged me with it's cold weather warning that is enforce. will layer up tomorrow so when and if it gets warmer it'll be easy to peel off the layers.

so the green power 50km hike... besides preparing yourself physically, it's also important to prepare yourself mentally. it's what will determine whether or not you finish. it looks like a lovely route, but i doubt we'll be stopping to smell the roses along the way. i'm rather competitive when it comes to things like this, so regardless of how tired you may be or whatever physically limitations you may get, giving up is not an option.

physically the team is feeling a little ginger on the edges, with an old ankle injury in strapping, another having been admitted into hospital for several days due to an asthma attack and the last deciding to have a big night and arriving home at 4am this morning - go team!!

well, we'll be fine. as stated before, we're prepared mentally so that's what will get us to the end. so we'll see you after the finish line, a little tired and sore, hopefully having crossed the line upright ha

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