Thursday 14 October 2010

creativity is not an island

being creative is a funny thing really. you realise that your imagination runs a different course and you see things slightly different from others who are less creatively inclined. it's hard not to get frustrated at people who think more logically or have no specific design input, just whether they like it or not. i think that gets me the most ha

this year i've realised there aren't that many people i respect or trust the creative judgement of. it's a difficult position to be in, especially when i'm designing + creating things. i'm limited by my own creativity. it's good if you know what you like + have the confidence in your work (though too much could be mistaken as arrogance!) i'm definitely the sort that needs to talk things out + brainstorm to refine ideas, concepts + of course improve my own abilities. i'm a team player!

so i totally recommend seeking out like-minded people + getting involved with creative communities to keep yourself inspired + stimulated.

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