the event will run from july 15-31, with eco fairs on the weekends from 12-6pm (which is where we will be!)
also featuring
:: art exhibitions
:: comic + animations - a special comic has been developed by local creative talents promoting the message of environmental protection, which can be read via a touch screen + downloaded to smart-phones
:: workshops
:: interactive games
:: recycling centre
:: hong kong's 1 minute international film festival
:: + test drive a new electric car!!
hope to see you guys there... if you want to know more please read the press release click here
or join the cyberport facebook page to keep updated on what's happening for this event
a little more background for you
:: what is e-waste?
:: a snippet of greenpeace's video on hong kong's role + responsibility for e-waste
:: below are some pictures from guiyu, china's electronic waste village which breaks down a lot of the world's e-waste, with dangerous consequences for themselves!