That's been a little saying I've hummed to myself while getting into work, whether it be writing out text, jotting down ideas, figuring out concepts or playing around with designs.. it makes me smile and keeps me going :)
This morning I was asked what my goals were for the day, to which I replied a number of things including exercising, and starting work by 10am, going through photos for ideas, making some pads, creating a card template and blogging. I can pretty much check all of them off.. so it's been a rather productive day!
One thing I have been learning while working on mulberry, is to be realistic as to what can be achieved within a given period. Most of the time we are our own worse enemies [I know I am!] setting high expectations and being disappointed when the list of tasks haven't been completed and then being hard on oneself for not doing more. It's a vicious cycle.. so it's important to have people around you who encourage and support you in whatever you do. I have some wonderful people in my life who are just that to me.. you know who you are. Thank you.
Another encouragement - I had sent a card and some CD's to a friend, and unknown to me, she had a CD player in her room, but only one CD! She found the package in the kitchen as she was making a cuppa..
I made my cup of tea before I opened it - I wanted to savour the moment. I slowly peeled away the sellotape, taking care not to rip the paper, to find a card and two CDs inside.. when I saw the CDs and the playlist, well there was not much else I could do but start laughing, laughing deep from the inside and almost crying because it touched me so much..
Work work away.. it's worth it :)