Tuesday, 24 February 2009

A box full of cards

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a box full of old cards and letters that they've received over the years! I'm a words person, so I love going through them from time to time reading over the stories and encouragements. These messages from friends I've known for a long time and others just a short while, never fail to bring a smile to my face and make me feel loved..

Just wanted to share a message from a wonderful friend whose card, no matter when I read it, always brings tears to my eyes -

Another year older, another year wiser - more adventures & memories, new experiences & relationship and new perspective on life. I believe most of us seek a path in life, to serve a (greater) purpose & find meaning & I believe your journey will soon begin (if it hasn't already begun). As we enter a new year of 2008, I hope you find what gives you the greatest satisfaction and happiness in life, to fulfil your passions & put you in your ultimate element.

"Everything is possible.. for him who believes" - Mark 9:23

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

A theme song

I'm currently enamored by Sigor Rós' song Samskeyti.

As I listen to this song, I can't help but close my eyes and breathe in deeply and slowly and start thinking about people I love, my family, my friends.. it brings up wonderful memories that make me smile and want to cry at the same time.

It's just beautiful, and it inspires me to do what I'm doing with Mulberry Moment even more.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Paper trails

While waiting on some print suppliers to get back to me, I've been spending some time checking out card shops, stationery and craft shops. I have to say, I love it! The items are lined up so tidy and perfect on the shelves according to colour, shape and purpose, it's exciting to look at and I'm a very tactile person so I like picking things up and feeling textures.. so paper shops are even more fun. This certainly doesn't feel like work :)

After a few days of venturing around, I've collected a range of crafty tools, card samples, paper and envelopes, as well as a few accessories. So the other day I started experimenting a few ideas..

Thursday, 5 February 2009

And so the story begins

I had barely started this all when the other day I found out that an ex-colleague is also doing greeting cards! How random is that? But as it's said, a little competition is a good thing and it's made me even more adamant to do a good job of this.

So you might be asking how the name Mulberry Moment came about..

China is well known for their Four Great Inventions these being gunpowder, printing, the compass and the creation of paper by Cai Lun in 105AD. Cai Lun combined strong fibrous bark from mulberry trees with hemp waste, fishnets, old rags and plant fibers to make sheets of paper. Paper mulberry bark fibers are still used to this day, and are treated and mixed with other ingredients to enhance the paper quality.

As with many people, whenever I think of the people that mean so much to me, I always want to do something to let them know I care - but I never do. I get distracted, busy doing stuff.. there are always excuses. But I realise how important moments like these are, when we decide to put ourselves, our situations aside for just a little bit to let someone know that they are loved and valued. These moments, if acted upon, can have an amazing effect on people's days, and even lives. Seriously!

So I thought I'd better start putting this into practice and sent a dear friend a card to her work address. She texted me today saying she had received it and that she was having a hard day at work and the card made such a difference. That is exactly what Mulberry Moment is all about!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

A dream comes true..

For the past year I have been thinking about "what do I want to do?" and taking a step back from that - "what do I enjoy doing?" Strangely enough, I found these questions hard to answer and wrote out a list of things I had been thinking about, which included being creative, working with people, planning and organising. It wasn't until I was falling asleep one night in last November when the idea of creating my own greeting cards came to mind. Well, actually I had this idea earlier that year, but didn't think much of it, but this night, it was like a new fresh idea.

At the start of 2009, I felt that this was a year for new things and new beginnings and the idea came even more strongly and I thought "why not?" Everyone has been amazingly supportive and I'm really blessed with a great family and friends. Thank you. Thank you all. Especially to Ben who has been a wonderful encouragement over the past year. Not to mention incredibly patient!

And so I'm starting my own company!

This is the first week, and I'm currently working on the business plan which I know I need to focus on and not procrastinate! I've been researching existing brands and shops, and just decided on a name, and bought the domain name, set up paypal, and the logo designs are now being worked on. It's all go now!

I'll keep this blog up to date as much as possible.. I'm sure there'll be lots of things to write about as I go along this journey.

Thank you for your support :)